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DINING - Gastronomy Promotion Nha Trang Hotel

Sunrise Nha Trang Beach Hotel & Spa
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Gastronomy Promotion

Sunrise Nha Trang Dinning Offers

Discover the culinary delights with a menu of premium European cuisine in Imperial restaurant’s cozy and luxurious space. The enticing 4-course European menu promises a special culinary journey at Sunrise Nha Trang.

Price: VND 650,000++ per guest

Includes 01 beverage (Tea/Coffee/Soft drink/Fresh lemonade/Fresh watermelon juice/Fresh passion fruit juice)

▪︎ Time: 5:00 pm – 9:30 pm | Daily

▪︎ Venue: Imperial restaurant

Contact us to reserve your table today and avail this offer!



Dinner set poster posting 29.02 & menu


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